Olympia Farmers Market

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Olympia Farmers Market Recipe Contest

The Olympia Farmers Market is pleased to announce an end-of-summer recipe contest. Anyone, regardless of culinary expertise, is eligible to enter. The primary ingredients of the recipe should be sourced from The Olympia Farmers Market (excluding baking ingredients, flour, sugar, butter, spices, etc.) Recipe may be in any food category, including desserts, entrees, appetizer, etc.

Recipes must be submitted by September 30, 2018, and include the written recipe and at least one high-quality photo of the finished recipe. Participants can submit the entries 3 ways, via email to mailto:natasha@mosaicmarketingstudio.com, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/olympiafarmersmarket/, or on Instagram, tag @olympiafarmersmarket using the hashtag #olympiafarmersmarketcontest

Social media entries must also include the written recipe and at least one photo of the finished recipe.

Winning recipes will be judged and selected by culinary experts Michael Holbein and Brad Thompson of Our Table restaurant and critiqued on overall appetite appeal and originality. The winner will receive $20 Olympia Farmers Market Gift Certificate and be featured on the Farmers Market website, on social media, and in an upcoming Farmers Market newsletter.

Get creative, have fun, and good luck!